The Fastest Way To FAIL At Wholesaling & Lose Everything:

Discover 7 Deadly Sins That Destroy New AND Experienced Wholesalers

(And The $7 Solution!)

(Keep Reading For The 7 Deadly Sins…)

The Fastest Way To FAIL At Wholesaling & Lose Everything:

Discover 7 Deadly Sins That Destroy New AND Experienced Wholesalers

(And The $7 Solution!)

(Keep Reading For The 7 Deadly Sins…)

The Wholesale Market Is Shifting…

Will You Adapt, Or Get Left Behind?

I won’t insult you by educating you on how the world has changed over the last few years, but what I will tell you is this: 

Big changes are coming.

If you want to finally land on your feet with real estate, you need to be ready. 

The great news is that you’re already halfway there!

You’ve identified that wholesaling is the easiest and most profitable real estate strategy that poses the least amount of risk to you and your family. 

The “experienced” wholesalers you’re learning from are committing these 7 deadly sins. 

But all is not lost… YET. 

As someone with over 25 years of business experience who’s built multiple 7-figure businesses from the ground up and 6 years specifically in Real Estate…

I’m shining a light on all the things that real estate wholesalers are getting WRONG and sharing them with YOU here…
The 7 Deadly Sins Of Wholesaling

Sin #1: Not Building A Buyer’s List

If you don’t have a buyer’s list ready to go when you put a property under contract, you will more than likely accumulate several costs and penalties due to the delay (and annoy the seller!)

Sin #2: Not Being Consistent With Marketing

As a wholesaler, momentum is important. One of the best ways to maintain momentum is to consistently market and be on the radar of both buyers and sellers, so you can build crucial credibility. 

Sin #3: Not Marketing To Motivated Sellers

Selling a home isn’t like selling a pair of pants. People don’t make that decision on the flip of a coin or a wholesaler cold calling them. Your best bet to save time and money is motivated sellers. 

Sin #4: Not Diversifying Property Searches

Lots of wholesalers get fixated on one type of way to find deals. In reality, you should be leveraging every possible avenue: foreclosures, auctions, family and friends, probate attorneys, etc.

Sin #5: Not Getting A Property Under Contract

Wholesaling is not a waiting game. If you’ve got your eye on a truly profitable property, so will other wholesalers. Until you have a contract, anyone can swoop in and steal the deal from you.

Sin #6: Not Finding An End Buyer

Building a list is one thing. But you actually need to find a sole buyer to secure any kind of profit. Too many wholesalers aren’t cutthroat enough when it comes to locking in a legitimate end buyer. 

Sin #7: Not Closing The Deal

This happens more than you realize. So many wholesalers fall short at the last hurdle and never get to cash their check. You need to breathe down the neck of your buyer until the last minute.

Now You Know The Sins, Ready To Discover The $7 Solution To Them?

I’m SO confident this is the missing piece to your wholesaling puzzle that…

If, after discovering and implementing the solution to the ‘7 Deadly Sins,’ you DON’T understand how to build a multi-figure wholesaling business in record time, you’ll get your $7 back - no questions asked. 
Your Mentor: Shamus Goss
I won’t insult you by educating you on how the world has changed over the last few years, but what I will tell you is this: 

Big changes are coming.

If you want to finally land on your feet with real estate, you need to be ready. 

The great news is that you’re already halfway there!

You’ve identified that wholesaling is the easiest and most profitable real estate strategy that poses the least amount of risk to you and your family. 

Now You Know The Sins, Ready To Discover The $7 Solution To Them?

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